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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta homemade solutions. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Body Lotions - the Beauty of Nature

Body lotions-the beauty of nature
The history of body lotion dates back to the time of the world's first known civilization in Sumer. Sumerians, the first to record its use, created salves for the skin using pulverized plant matter, animal materials and mineral powders. When mixed with wine and tree oils, these preparations became the first documented skin care.

Lotions and oils were also embraced by the Ancient Egyptians. Cleopatra favored the use of olive and sesame oils, whereas other Egyptians applied ointments made of oil of ben (also known as the horseradish tree) and resinous myrrh. Ancient Egyptian parchments go so far as to describe various uses for body creams, and jars of beauty cream have been discovered in burial tombs. A mixture of olive oil, animal fats and a variety of spices accompanied the dead on their journey into the afterlife.
The Bible also mentions the use of oils, creating lotions from olive oils and precious spices.

 Lotions were prepared in order to relieve the body from the effects of the sun; the poor, rubbing their bodies down with grease or animal fats, while those who could afford it used delicately perfumed ointments. Beyond their uses in moisturizing the body, the Bible also speaks of "anointment." In Mark 3:16, oils were used to anoint for health; Luke 7:46 speaks of using oils as a form of hospitality; the books of Ruth, II Samuel and Isaiah all mark the use of oils as a preparation for social occasions; whereas in the books Luke and Acts, to "anoint" is in direct reference to an individual's receiving of the Holy Spirit. The Bible also tells us the well known story of Martha's sister Mary washing Jesus' feet with precious oil and then proceeding to dry them with her hair, only to be chastised by Judas for using such a costly infusion (the oil contained spikenard). Mary's act was one of humility, devotion and affection to her Lord and was accepted by Jesus as such.

The use of oils, particularly oil based lotions, has as much value today as it has throughout history. Compensation for the natural body oils we lose during the course of our daily rituals is essential. Not to mention that our skin requires assistance in battling the environmental damage it faces regularly. The optimum health of our body's largest organ relies on our own common sense to supplement its losses. When our skin loses its natural moisture, it fights back by producing more. Thus, for some this inner battle may lead to cosmetic problems such as enlarged pores and acne. Educating ourselves on how best to replenish and care for the skin we live in may just be some of the most important knowledge we ever require.

Most of us would never dream of leaving our stomachs empty and malnourished, but robbing our skin of moisture can also cause it to lose its natural ability to store water and nutrients. Therefore, it is our responsibility to take care that our bodies are given every chance to fight back by caring for them in the best way possible. To retain our skin's natural oil and moisture there are simple and effective precautions we can implement as a part of our daily routines.

 Think about it, something as easy as patting ourselves (rather than rubbing) dry after a shower affords thirsty skin added sustenance. Daily moisturizing takes it one step further by helping the skin to retain its proper pH value and to protect against irritation. Whereas, applying lotions and oils with a massaging technique boasts yet another benefit in toning the muscles. Let's fact it, giving attention to simple details makes a difference.

Certain oils provide their own specific benefits. Witch-hazel for example, is extremely beneficial for those suffering with skin problems. When diluted, witch-hazel extract alleviates skin inflammation and acne. A natural disinfectant, witch hazel enables slow healing pustules to heal. Its value as a natural astringent will also be seen in the reduction and constriction of pore size.

Those suffering from skin problems often tend to have oily skin caused by an imbalance of acid and alkaline. Unfortunately, the use of harsh astringents and cleansers cause the imbalance to escalate, and the skin loses its ability to protect itself. To protect oily skin, choose a lotion containing jojoba oil. Highly penetrative, jojoba oil won't clog your pores, but it will ease skin inflammation and encourage the normalization of skin flora helping it return to a balanced state. Jojoba oil's penetration abilities and thorough acceptance by the skin keep it from clogging the pores leaving the skin free from eruptions.

Some people believe that their normal skin requires less attention, but attentiveness keeps the skin healthy and soft to the touch. Nurturing your skin is important, and for those who have healthy skin it is only natural that they strive to keep it that way. Apricot-kernel oil is an excellent choice for normal skin and gifts the user with a fresh, glowing complexion. Recognized as one of the most delicate oils, apricot-kernel oil is not only a superb choice for use in homemade lotions but a supreme selection as a basic massage oil as well.

The following recipes for natural body lotions contain anhydrous lanolin. Anhydrous lanolin, as complicated as it sounds is simply lanolin minus its water content and is available for purchase in most health food stores. Also, lotions and oils should be warmed and mixed in a double boiler. Heating your mixtures on the stove top may alter fragrance or consistency, so if you don't own a double-boiler and plan to dabble in "natural beauty" it would be wise to invest in one. Below you will find the recipes for luxuriant body lotions that are easily prepared in the comfort of your own home.

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

Living in Luxury: Getting the Spa Treatment at Home

Living in Luxury: Getting the Spa Treatment at Home
If you don't have the time or money to make it to the spa every week or so (and most of us don't), you'll be happy to know that there are a number of spa treatments you can perform at home that are easy, affordable, and take as much time as you'd like. So, whether you're planning a night of relaxation all by yourself, or an evening of home spa treatments with friends, here are a few things you may want to try.  

At-home facials

A facial is one of the most popular spa treatments, but we don't always have time to keep our skin in the best condition. When you're giving yourself a facial at home, make sure that you thoroughly cleanse, tone and moisturize your face. Depending on your skin type, you'll want to select a cleanser that can easily remove dirt, oil, and makeup without stripping or over-drying your face. Toning your skin will help you to close the pores of your face again, so that dirt and toxins can not easily enter the skin. A good toner will also bring the skin back to its natural pH. Before you moisturize the skin, you may also want to use a mask to tighten the pores and give your skin extra clarity. Choose a moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type, and apply the moisturizer to your skin while it is still damp.

 Here are some all natural facial masks and cleansers you may want to try: Strawberry cleanser: For this facial, you'll need a ripe strawberry, about a tablespoon or so of sour cream, and a couple of teaspoons of olive oil. Mix the ingredients together and work the mixture gently on the face. Wash the strawberry cleanser with a loofah or damp washcloth.  

Herbal toner: Green tea leaves (about a tablespoon), strawberry tea leaves (about a tablespoon), distilled water (1 cup), chamomile tea leaves (about a tablespoon), aloe vera gel, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice (3 teaspoons each) make up this all-natural toner. Heat the water to boiling, then add tea leaves and steep. Then add aloe vera, vinegar, and lemon juice. You can apply the toner with cotton swabs or with your hands. This toner is good for about a week, and should be stored in the refrigerator for best results.  

Moisturizer: To make this moisturizer, you'll need 3 tablespoons each of jojoba oil and rose hips seed oil, 2 or 3 drops of rose essential oil, 2 or 3 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of extra virgin olive oil, and 2 drops of Palma Rosa essential oil. Mix the oils together and don't rub directly into skin-let your skin naturally absorb the oil so that your pores won't become clogged. -before moisturizing or toning, you may also want to try an avocado mask to healthily moisturize your skin. Mash up half an avocado and spread over the face. You can place a warm towel over your face to open your pores, and be sure to rinse the avocado mask thoroughly before applying anything else to your face. See more info.

Manicures/Pedicures You may want to ask a friend to help with the manicure, since most people can paint the nails on one hand better than the other. But before you get to the nail polish, you should soak your feet or hands with sea salts or essential oils, and exfoliate the skin. A manicure kit will help to do the job, and you can find one at most drug stores for a few dollars. After soaking, shape your nails with a file, and buff them to add extra shine. Using lotions or creams after exfoliating will help to make your hands and feet extra soft. To maintain your pedicure, try using cocoa butter of Vaseline on your feet before bed, and covering your feet with thick socks overnight.

 Other manicuring and pedicuring tips include: -To moisturize your cuticles, try using a little olive or lavender oil to prevent dry skin and help to keep your polish on longer. -If your nails are slightly discolored, use a little lemon juice on a cotton ball to restore healthy nail color. -For exfoliating, you can use sea salt, bath salts, or even salt and sugar to smooth the skin and remove dead cells. You can also give your whole body a facial. Applying special moisturizing tips to your back, chest, and legs will give your whole body a healthy glow; this is especially a good idea for the summer months. You can use the avocado mask for your whole body for combination skin, or even a mixture of mashed strawberries and oatmeal for oily skin. You can also use a couple of drops of essential oils in your bathwater-citrus scents wake up the senses and energize the body, while oils like lavender and chamomile are best to use before going to bed, since they tend to relax the body and help induce sleep