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sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

Mouth Sore Home Remedies

Save Money by Using Home Remedies

Mouth Sore Home Remedies
If you've ever had a mouth sore, you know how miserable they can be. We quickly realize how badly we need our mouths when they hurt miserably. Mouth sores are usually caused by canker sores. Canker sores are small ulcers in the lining of your mouth. You know, that area you can feel with your tongue; that of course, if the lining of your mouth. Mouth sores can be annoying as well as painful. They can cause discomfort while eating or drinking as well as sleeping. They can create burning sensations that are painful. Canker sores can happen to anyone regardless of age. Home remedies can quickly relieve the pain and frustrations for ailments.

Mouth Sore Home Remedies


Aloe Vera Water Remedy

What you need: Water Aloe Vera juice

Directions: This remedy sounds easy because it is. Take a glass of warm water and add aloe Vera juice generously. Drink this throughout the day to keep your mouth cleansed. Aloe Vera has healing properties and will slowly heal the lining of your mouth.  See this about aloe vera and gums

Mouth Sore Diet Foods to Eat:

 Veggies Juices Yogurt Easily digestible foods Steamed veggies Non spicy foods

Directions: When you have a mouth sore, the last thing you want to do is eat foods that will hurt you. Try to eat bland foods that aren't spicy. Stay away from coffee and drinks with caffeine. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day plus your Aloe Vera juice drink. Try to eat on the opposite side of your mouth, where the mouth sore isn't.  

Ice Remedy

What you need: Ice

 Directions: Take the ice and apply directly to where the mouth sore is. The ice will numb the pain associated with the mouth sore or canker sore. Baby Orajel Remedy What you need: Baby Orajel Directions: It sounds so easy but using your baby's Orajel can also help relieve the pain associated with mouth sores. Use a little on your canker sore just before going to bed to help you sleep soundly.  

Whiskey Remedy

What you need: Whiskey Water

Directions: Take a little whiskey and mix with a little water. Then rub the mixture directly on your canker sore. This can numb the pain to help you sleep at night.  

Mouthwash Remedy

 What you need: Mouthwash Q Tip

Directions: When you dip the q tip inside the mouthwash, be prepared for your mouth to be sore for a moment. Apply the wet q tip on your mouth sore for a minute. You are killing the bacteria on the sore so give it time to work. You will know the mouthwash is working because the pain will subside. Do this several times a day. Watch your canker sore leave completely.

Maalox and Benadryl Remedy

What you need: Maalox Benadryl

Directions: You want to create a 50/50 solution of the Maalox and Benadryl. Once you've created the mixture, you want to gargle for at least a minute. This mixture will not only reduce and relief the paint but will also get rid of the mouth sores completely.

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